Anchor Students are heading to Global Youth Camp July 15-19, 2024. We have 24 spots reserved; twenty of them for students (completed 6th-12th grade) and four for adult chaperons. Registration is first come first serve. The cost for summer camp is $300. A $100 deposit is required to reserve your spot. The deadline for signing up is June 30, 2024.
Below you'll find 5 linked documents that should be helpful in preparing you for camp. In order to get on the van to go to camp you must fill out and submit all release forms.
ALSO! Global gives older students (incoming 11th grade - graduates) the opportunity to be "Family Leaders." Anchor Church registers all of our older students as Family Leaders. If you have questions let us know!
Finally, please invite friends to sign up and join us for summer camp! We currently have 24 slots but if there is room at the camp we can add additional slots. GET PUMPED FOR CAMP: