Confidence in Christ Fuels Obedience & Love
Matt Tipton Matt Tipton

Confidence in Christ Fuels Obedience & Love

BIG IDEA:  “Confidence in Christ Fuels Obedience & Love.” This past Sunday, we continued our series, KNOW. You Can Be Sure. Last week, we asked the foundational question: Do you know for certain that you belong to Christ? John made it clear—those who walk in the light, rejecting darkness, can have confidence in their salvation.

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Assurance is Found in Jesus Christ, and Those Who Truly Know Him Walk in the Light
Matt Tipton Matt Tipton

Assurance is Found in Jesus Christ, and Those Who Truly Know Him Walk in the Light

This past Sunday, we launched our new series, “KNOW. You Can Be Sure.” In a world of uncertainty, many struggle with doubt—Am I truly saved? How can I know for sure? Others assume they are secure because of past religious experiences, yet their lives show no transformation. John wrote 1 John to give believers assurance—not based on emotions or past decisions but on an ongoing relationship with Jesus that produces obedience, love, and holiness.

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An UNSTOPPABLE Church Fearlessly Proclaims the Gospel
Matt Tipton Matt Tipton

An UNSTOPPABLE Church Fearlessly Proclaims the Gospel

This past Sunday, we closed out our UNSTOPPABLE series. Over the past five weeks, we’ve seen that those who delight in Jesus are kingdom-focused, Christ-following, and Spirit-empowered. But Sunday’s BIG IDEA was this: An Unstoppable Church fearlessly proclaims the Gospel.

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An UNSTOPPABLE Church is Empowered by the Holy Spirit
Matt Tipton Matt Tipton

An UNSTOPPABLE Church is Empowered by the Holy Spirit

On Sunday, we continued our UNSTOPPABLE series by looking at what it means to be a Spirit-empowered church. Without the Holy Spirit, we are powerless. We can have all the right strategies, vision, and effort, but if we try to live the Christian life or fulfill the Great Commission in our own strength, we will fail.

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An Unstoppable Church Follows Jesus
Matt Tipton Matt Tipton

An Unstoppable Church Follows Jesus

On Sunday, we continued our UNSTOPPABLE series by looking at what it means to be a Christ-following Church—one that responds to Jesus with wholehearted obedience. We saw that a church alive in Christ follows Jesus with total obedience. Obedience isn’t about rule-keeping or religious duty. It flows from delighting in Jesus, trusting His authority, and surrendering to His leading.

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