Sunday mornings at 9AM Anchor Church offers classes that EQUIP the body to engage in the Word and in the mission of God. These classes typically happen 8 week periods three times per year; typically in Feb/March, June/July, and Oct/Nov. When classes are not meeting there is a church wide prayer meeting during the 9am hour.
Our new round of classes begins October 6th. In this round we’ll be offering 3 classes:
Discover Anchor — Four week class for people who are new to Anchor Church. We offer make up days for those who miss a class. All four class periods are required for membership. Location: Pastors Office.
Engage in Scripture — Six week class designed to equip you to confidently and clearly HEAR the voice of the Lord when reading and/or studying scripture. Location: Multipurpose room (first on right in worship building).
Engage in the Book of Romans — An exegetical study of the Book of Romans. Our “Engage in Scripture” class is a suggested prerequisite. Class participants will be encouraged to exegete the focus text for the week and bring their work to class to share. This class will be offered over the next three 8 week class sessions. During the upcoming session we’ll review HEAR method Bible study principles, cover the historical context and background of the book, and work through chapters 1-4. Location: Hospitality Room.