An UNSTOPPABLE Church is Empowered by the Holy Spirit
FOCUS TEXT: Acts 1:8; Acts 2:1-13
On Sunday, we continued our UNSTOPPABLE series by looking at what it means to be a Spirit-empowered church. Without the Holy Spirit, we are powerless. We can have all the right strategies, vision, and effort, but if we try to live the Christian life or fulfill the Great Commission in our own strength, we will fail. That’s why Jesus told His disciples to wait. Before they went out to preach, plant churches, or reach the world, they needed to receive the power of the Spirit. And when the Spirit came, everything changed. A church alive in Christ is empowered by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is God’s Promise of Power (Acts 1:8)
Before Jesus ascended, He gave His disciples a clear command—but with it, a promise: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” The word for power implies explosive, supernatural strength, given by God. But this power wasn’t for personal comfort or religious experience. The Spirit was given so that they would be His witnesses. The power of God is directly tied to the mission of God. The Spirit does not fill us just to bless us—He fills us to send us. This is where many of us struggle. We hesitate to share our faith. We shrink back in fear. But the same Spirit that turned Peter from a fearful denier into a bold preacher is the same Spirit in us today.
The Holy Spirit Fills Those Who Seek Him in Prayer (Acts 1:14)
The disciples didn’t just wait for the Spirit to come—they waited in prayer. They didn’t scatter. They didn’t try to figure things out on their own. Instead, they devoted themselves to seeking God together. This is a pattern we see throughout Scripture: Jesus prayed and fasted for 40 days before launching His ministry (Luke 4);, the early church prayed before major decisions and movements of God (Acts 13:1-3); every great revival in history has been preceded by desperate, unified prayer. Yet today, many of us want the Spirit’s power without making room for Him. We long for revival, but we struggle to consistently seek Him in prayer. If we want to be a Spirit-filled church, we must be a prayer-filled church.
The Holy Spirit Empowers Bold Proclamation (Acts 2:4-6)
When the Spirit filled the disciples, the first thing they did was speak. They didn’t just have a personal experience—they declared the mighty works of God to the world. The Spirit empowered them to speak in real languages they had never learned so that people from every nation could hear the Gospel in their own tongue. This was a visible sign that the Gospel was for all people, and that the Spirit’s power was breaking down cultural and racial barriers. But not everyone responded the same way. Some were amazed, some were perplexed, and others mocked (Acts 2:12-13). This is still true today. When the Spirit moves, some will be drawn in, others will wrestle with conviction, and some will resist and ridicule. The Spirit emboldens us to stand firm and speak the truth, even when the world rejects us. If we are faithful to proclaim the Gospel, we can trust that God will do the work of changing hearts—our job is simply to obey.
Am I relying on the Spirit’s power or my own strength?
Is prayer central to my life and our church?
Where is God calling me to boldly proclaim Jesus?
PRAYER RESPONSE: “Lord, we thank You for the gift of Your Holy Spirit. We confess that we often try to walk in our own strength rather than relying on Your power. Fill us afresh today, and lead us to be a church that moves in bold obedience.”
Pray for fresh filling – “Holy Spirit, fill me today. Let me walk in Your power, not my own.”
Pray for boldness – “Lord, remove my fear and give me courage to proclaim the Gospel wherever You send me.”
Pray for unity – “God, make us a church that prays together and seeks You with one heart.”
Pray for open doors – “Father, give me opportunities to share the Gospel and the boldness to step into them.”
Pray for revival – “Lord, awaken our hearts. Move in power. Let us see a fresh outpouring of Your Spirit in our church, our city, and the nations.”
MEMORY VERSE: Acts 1:8 – “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses…”