An UNSTOPPABLE Church Fearlessly Proclaims the Gospel

FOCUS TEXT: Acts 2:1-4, 14-21, 37-38

This past Sunday, we closed out our UNSTOPPABLE series. Over the past five weeks, we’ve seen that those who delight in Jesus are kingdom-focused, Christ-following, and Spirit-empowered. But Sunday’s BIG IDEA was this: An Unstoppable Church fearlessly proclaims the Gospel. Let’s explore the scriptures.

The Holy Spirit’s Power is Given for Witness — The Holy Spirit doesn’t come just to give us personal experiences—He empowers us to proclaim Jesus. Before Pentecost, the disciples had truth but lacked courage. But when the Spirit came, they became witnesses. Jesus had already told them, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8). The Spirit’s power is given for mission. He doesn’t just transform our hearts; He sends us to proclaim the Gospel. Many of us hesitate to share Jesus out of fear—fear of rejection, fear of not knowing what to say. But the Spirit speaks through us. When we step out in obedience, He fills our mouths and leads the conversation.

The Holy Spirit Transforms Fear into Boldness — Before Pentecost, the disciples were hiding in fear. They had seen the risen Jesus, but they were still waiting. Then the Spirit came—and everything changed. Peter, who had denied Jesus three times, now stood before thousands and boldly declared, “This Jesus whom you crucified, God has raised from the dead!” (Acts 2:36). The same authorities who crucified Jesus were still in power, yet Peter was no longer afraid. The Spirit does something in us. He doesn’t just give power; He makes us bold. He fills weak people with courage. If you have the Spirit, you have everything you need to proclaim Jesus.

The Holy Spirit Empowers Us to Proclaim the Gospel Clearly — When Peter preached at Pentecost, he didn’t soften the message. He went straight to God’s Word, quoting Joel’s prophecy: “In the last days… I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh” (Acts 2:17). The Spirit is no longer for an elite few—He is for all believers. Sons and daughters. Young and old. Male and female. Every believer is called to proclaim the truth. Peter didn’t just explain Pentecost—he preached Jesus. He declared that Jesus was sent by God, crucified for sin, raised to life, and now reigns as Lord. The same Spirit who empowered Peter to speak clearly and boldly does the same for us today.

The Gospel Requires a Response — After Peter’s sermon, the people were cut to the heart and asked, “What shall we do?” That’s what the Spirit does—He convicts. Peter’s response was simple: Repent and be baptized… for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). The Gospel demands action. It’s not just information—it’s an invitation to surrender. Repentance means turning from sin to Jesus. Baptism is an outward sign of that inward transformation. And when the Gospel is proclaimed in the Spirit’s power, people respond. That day, 3,000 were saved and baptized. Do we expect God to move when we share the Gospel? Do we trust that the Spirit still works?


  • Am I living as a Spirit-empowered witness?

  • Am I living in fear or stepping into boldness?

  • Do I believe the Spirit can use me to lead others to Jesus?

PRAYER RESPONSE: Lord, fill us with Your Spirit and make us bold witnesses. Give us courage to proclaim the Gospel clearly and confidently. Open doors for conversations this week. Help us trust that You are working in the hearts of those we share with. Empower us to speak and leave the results to You. Amen.

MEMORY VERSE:But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses…” – Acts 1:8


Assurance is Found in Jesus Christ, and Those Who Truly Know Him Walk in the Light


An UNSTOPPABLE Church is Empowered by the Holy Spirit