An UNSTOPPABLE Church is Kingdom Focused

FOCUS TEXT: Acts 1:1-3 & 6-8

This Sunday, we began our series, UNSTOPPABLE, by revisiting Acts 1:1-3 and 6-8—a pivotal moment in the formation of the early church. Three years ago, we explored this text, asking: What would it look like to be a church so rooted in Jesus and empowered by His Spirit that nothing could stop us from fulfilling His mission? Today, with fresh eyes, we ask again: What does it mean to be kingdom-focused as followers of Christ? Acts 1 reveals a powerful truth: Jesus has a plan to establish His kingdom, and He calls His disciples—then and now—to participate in His mission. The early church wasn’t fueled by programs or human effort. It was driven by hearts transformed by Jesus and lives surrendered to His kingdom. From Acts 1, we discovered three truths about living as a kingdom-focused church:

Jesus’ Plan is to Establish His Kingdom Through His Disciples — In Acts 1:1-3, Luke opens by describing his Gospel as a record of “all that Jesus began to do and teach.” The word began tells us that Jesus’ work didn’t end with His ascension. It continues—through His Spirit and His people. For 40 days after His resurrection, Jesus prepared His disciples, teaching them about the kingdom of God. This kingdom isn’t a political system or geographic territory. It’s God’s sovereign rule breaking into our broken world, bringing redemption for the lost, healing for the broken, and renewal for all of creation. As His followers, we are called to reflect and advance His kingdom. This requires reorienting our lives around His mission. Are we living for our own ambitions, or are we surrendered to His kingdom purposes?

The Kingdom is Now and Not Yet — In Acts 1:6-8, the disciples asked Jesus, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” Their question reveals a limited perspective—focused on when the kingdom would come in full. Jesus redirected their focus to the how. The kingdom of God is both now and not yet. It is advancing today through the Spirit’s work in the church, present wherever Christ reigns in hearts. At the same time, we await the day when Jesus will return to fully establish His kingdom, as promised in Revelation 21. Living in this tension requires two responses:

  • Missional urgency: The kingdom is advancing now. Are we living with purpose, sharing the Gospel, and investing in what matters for eternity?

  • Eternal hope: The kingdom’s future fulfillment sustains us through trials and fills us with unshakable hope.

The Spirit Empowers Us to Be Kingdom Instruments — Acts 1:8 contains both a promise and a commission: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” The same Spirit who empowered the early church empowers us today. He equips us to boldly proclaim the Gospel, cross cultural barriers, and live lives transformed by His power. Being Spirit-empowered witnesses isn’t optional—it’s our purpose as the church.


  • What are you seeking first in your life: personal comfort or the kingdom of God?

  • How are you investing your time, resources, and energy in ways that advance the kingdom?

  • Are you relying on the Spirit’s power to live as a witness for Christ?

PRAYER RESPONSE — “Lord, thank You for inviting us to be part of Your kingdom mission. Help us to seek first Your kingdom and surrender our lives to Your purposes. Empower us by Your Spirit to live boldly for Your glory, and give us hearts that long to see Your kingdom come. Amen.”

MEMORY VERSE — “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” – Acts 1:8


An Unstoppable Church Follows Jesus


Becoming An UNSTOPPABLE Church