Consecrate Ourselves: A Call To Seek The Lord Together

As we step into a new year, we’re given a fresh opportunity to pause, reflect, and refocus. Throughout Scripture, God repeatedly calls His people to consecrate themselves—to set apart their hearts, minds, and lives for His purposes. In Joshua 3:5, Joshua tells the Israelites, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” This is a powerful reminder that before God works in and through us, He often calls us to prepare our hearts, surrendering afresh to His will.

In the same way, I want to challenge all of us at Anchor Church to take time at the beginning of this year to consecrate ourselves to the Lord. During January give yourselves to prayer. Let’s renew a steadfast commitment to seek Him daily, depend on Him fully, and walk with Him wholeheartedly. What might God do in and through us if we step into this year with hearts fully surrendered to Him?

We’re hosting prayer meetings every Wednesday evening (6:30PM) and Sunday morning (9AM) the rest of this month.

Join Us in the New Testament Reading Plan

Another practical way to live out a consecrated life is by diving deeply into God’s Word. This year, I want to invite every member and attender at Anchor to join me in a year-long journey through the New Testament. Here’s the plan:

  • 260 chapters, 260 readings, 5 days a week for 52 weeks—a manageable and life-giving rhythm.

  • Use the HEAR method to read, study, and journal through the New Testament.

  • We’ll begin the week of January 5th.

  • You can download the PDF of the reading plan here. Or, if you prefer, you can follow along with the same plan on the YouVersion Bible app.

  • Each week, we’ll post the upcoming readings in our weekly e-newsletter to help you stay on track.

There’s no better way to grow in Christ and align our lives with His purposes than by soaking in His Word. I believe this simple plan can transform our church family as we Highlight, Explain, Apply, and Respond to Scripture together.

Let’s Commit to Seek Him Together

I believe God has great things in store for Anchor Church this year. But first, let’s consecrate ourselves to Him. Let’s seek Him wholeheartedly, depend on Him fully, and commit to His mission in new and deeper ways. Will you join me? Let’s open our Bibles, align our lives with His Word, and step boldly into His plans for us this year.

Download the Reading Plan PDF || Join the YouVersion Plan


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JESUS: Light of the World