The Church is Called to “Live Sent”
Acts 13:1-3 shows how the church at Antioch engaged their community while being open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance. God called Paul and Barnabas to take the message beyond their local context. The sending was a communal effort involving worship, fasting, and prayer. Antioch models a twofold calling: to be a missional presence in our neighborhoods and to support those God calls to new places.

It’s Time to Live the Great Commission in Our Every Day Lives
Our mission as God’s family is to be Spirit-led disciple-makers, embracing and living out the Great Commission in every part of our lives. As part of our exploration of Acts 8:26-40, we considered four main truths.

Equipped for Battle: Putting on the Full Armor of God
By putting on the armor of God and engaging in fervent prayer, we guard and protect God’s work in and through His family. We become a formidable force against the enemy’s schemes, ensuring that the love, unity, and growth we’ve cultivated continues to flourish.

A Church that glorifies God practices Church discipline
Church discipline is the process of correcting sin within the congregation and its members. Despite its complexity and potential for controversy, it is an essential practice for maintaining the health and holiness of the church.

The Family Table Should Unify Believers
The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 11 reminds the Church in Corinth of the significance of the Lord’s Table. It’s a commemoration of Christ’s sacrifice that should unify believers, not divide them.