Anchor Church

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Active Waiting: God is preparing His people and providing for their mission


Sunday, as a part of our “{RE}BUILD series, we explored Nehemiah 2:1-8 where we discovered that God moves through faithful fasting and prayer to prepare His people and provide for their mission.

In chapter 1 Nehemiah received news that the people of God and the city of God were “in great trouble and shame.” Nehemiah “wept and mourned for days, and continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven.” He prayed “day and night,” for months waiting for God to move.

In this week’s text we find Nehemiah doing what God had given him to do. He was busy serving as cup bearer to the Persian King, while at the same time fasting and praying for God’s people and God’s city. When God calls us to something but we can’t yet see an open door, or when we face challenges but don’t know the way forward—we must follow Nehemiah’s example and continue to do what we’ve been given, and to also fast and pray day and night until the way is made clear. Let’s call this active waiting.

God moves through our active waiting. He moves in us to prepare us and He moves around us to prepare others and provide for our mission. From our focus text we find 7 ways God works in us through active waiting:

  1. God focuses us on His mission. (Verses 1 and 2)

  2. God readies us to speak up. (Verses 2 and 3)

  3. God makes us dependent on Him. (Verse 4)

  4. God emboldens us to take necessary risks. (Verses 5 and 6)

  5. God gives us wisdom to navigate complexity. (Verse 6)

  6. God gives us vision for our work. (Verses 7 and 8)

  7. Our good God guides and empowers us. (Verse 8)


  • Why do you think it seems easier to just plow forward instead of practicing “active waiting?” What keeps you from fasting and prayer when you’re facing a challenge?

  • What might you risk by NOT establishing a regular pattern of fasting and prayer?

  • If God moved powerfully through your active waiting how would that impact your faith, your sense of freedom, and your future challenges?


Take time to examine your dependence upon the Lord and your practice of active waiting. Repent of independence and self determination. Pray through Nehemiah’s prayer again this week. Ask the Lord to work in you the way He worked in Nehemiah.

MEMORIZE: Nehemiah 2:4