Unveiling the Peace of Christ: Insights from Palm Sunday

FOCUS TEXT: Luke 19:28-48

This past Sunday was Palm Sunday, the day Christians around the world remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a donkey. Crowds of people laid palm branches and their cloaks before him, shouting: “Blessed is the King Who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” (vs. 38)

From this story we see that Jesus is the King Who brings peace. During Jesus’ lifetime few understood the nature of His Kingdom. Most expected the Messiah to come riding into Jerusalem on a war-horse, with sword in hand, to overthrow the Roman oppressors. Instead we see Jesus coming into the city of peace, riding on a symbol of peace, as His disciples praised God for sending His peace. Through this scene Jesus is portrayed as the one who brings peace to human hearts.

In verse 42 we discover that the citizens and religious leaders of Jerusalem did not recognize or understand the peace Jesus brought. Jesus wept over their blindness. Today many in the Church struggle to live and walk in His peace. There is a need for the church to learn to walk in the peace of Jesus. How do we possess His peace and then walk in it? We possess it through genuine repentance and being filled with the Holy Spirit. But then we walk in it by humbly speaking and listening to God. Verses 45-48 show Jesus cleansing the temple—opening the way for the nations to come and pray. And just days before His execution Jesus is found in the temple teaching the people. Peace is cultivated and maintained through personal, humble speaking and listening to God; that then leads to repentance and peace.

We all know peace is illusive in the world around us. But we must come to the realization that it is illusive in the world because it is not powerfully present in the Church. And I believe Jesus weeps over this present reality. Satan is doing everything he can to prevent the Church from humbly walking in the peace of Christ. And he is doing everything he can to keep those who know God’s peace from living the mission of Christ.


  • How would you describe the condition of your heart when it comes to the peace of Christ?

  • What patterns must be established for you to humbly listen and speak with Jesus daily?

  • How might walking in Jesus’ peace impact your home and life with your Church family?

  • What ways might God use you and our Church to demonstrate the peace of Jesus to lost people?


Take time to examine the peace of Christ in your heart and your life. Commit to draw near to God daily; to learn from Him, listen to Him, and speak to Him. Ask God to lead you to humble dependence so that the peace of Christ might be maintained. Ask God to open doors for you to demonstrate the peace of Christ. Pray for Anchor that we’d be marked by the peace of Christ.

MEMORY VERSE: Luke 19:41-42


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